Vist the blog at it's new home HERE.
Sharon's portfolio site is still HERE.
Animal Art Prints can still be purchased HERE.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Pablove Shutterbugs Gallery Show: May 14th
I have come to the conclusion that charity is only charity when you give goods, services or money without personal gain, benefit or recognition of any kind. True charity is anonymous. It begins and ends within your self.
- Jim Pinto
I pretty much live by the above quote as best I can.
But as I get older and wiser (I hope), I've learned that life has many shades of gray. If there's a way my support can help bring about awareness to the brave people working hard to make a difference in the world, then occasionally I can justify caving a bit in my beliefs - this is the case with The Pablove Shutterbugs Program.
I learned about The Pablove Foundation because the founders are in my circle of friends. And when I found out about the Shutterbugs program, I of course, raised my hand to help (okay, maybe I even jumped up and down too). With the help of my Animal Print Shop team, we handled all the prints for the gallery show. We prepped all the files and donated the paper and printing of all the editions. It was truly an honor to help out and get up close and personal with the imagery these amazing kids created - I hope photography is making a difference in their lives as much as it has made a difference in mine.
More about The Pablove Foundation here. The Shutterbugs Gallery Show is coming up on May 14th in Los Angeles. A preview of the kids prints and more details about the show can be viewed here.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
Another Lucy
I guess the past eight months have flown by because I just realized I never shared baby Lucy. I posted about her mom's (my best friend) baby shower invites and Lucy's nursery last year (back when I was a more commited blogger!).
I love this kid so much it hurts.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Lucy Blue Eyes
Meet Lucy. She has the most amazing eyes I've ever seen on a dog. I was super excited when I found out Victoria (her momma) and I would be in Palm Springs at the same time (we live in different cities), because I've been wanting to take her photo ever since I saw those blue eyes. I typically don't stalk people and beg to take their pup's photos, so a big thank-you to Victoria for indulging me!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Cover Peek
It's been a while since I've posted to my poor, neglected blog - so why not share a peek of what's been keeping me away. The book is still several months out with a release date of November 1, 2011 (I'm still losing sleep and lacking time to shower while working feverishly to meet my deadline for this 192 page beast!), but the cover is done and ready to share. Hopefully I'll be able to post more peeks in the next few months, (including some of the beautiful lettering and illustrations Julianna Swaney is contributing to the book). So stay tuned!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Shooting In The Rain : Behind The Scenes
The past two days were epic: It had to be documented.
There are times when shoots cannot be postponed, and this one happened to coincide with what meteorologists have been calling "the worst storm to hit Southern California in a decade." Now that I can feel my feet again, I gotta say, it was actually really fun (an adventure, if you will). We were all soaking wet, but everyone rallied – including the four-year-old talent. *if any of my crew, AB/AD, or talent are reading this, thank you for two great and unforgettable days.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Lions, Tigers, and e.soule!
When I first saw Elizabeth Soule's work on Etsy, I remember calling out to my husband "Come look at this stuff! This girl photographs toy animals!" I though it was so smart. Later that year, I saw Elizabeth at Unique LA and ran up to her like a blubbering fool to profess my love. She was very gracious and I guess I didn't freak her out too much, because we became fast friends. Elizabeth is not only talented, but she is pee-in-your-pants funny, and funny is the key to my heart.
After many shared plates of pan fried noodles and crackerjack shrimp, we thought it would be fun to photograph two of the same animals. So we both went in search of a lion and a tiger (toys for her, real live for me) and behold, here they are!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Digital Camera Magazine
I haven't a clue what it says, but thank-you to Digital Camera China for featuring The Animal Print Shop!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Flying Geese + Pablove + The Working Proof
I've got a very special new print over at The Working Proof - 100% of my portion from the sale of Flying Geese will benefit The Pablove Foundation, an organization close to my heart, with a mission to fund pediatric cancer research and improve the quality of life for children living with cancer through hospital play, music and arts programs.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
The (new and improved) Animal Print Shop!
I'm excited to finally share the brand new online shop for my animal prints. After almost two years of selling the small prints on Etsy (don't worry, I still LOVE me some Etsy) and the large, limited editions through my website, I needed a shop of my very own where I could offer all the edition options under the same roof and have the loads of information people wanted to know built-in. I hope this site will be less confusing for people and help provide easily accessible answers to the questions regularly asked, like framing! In addition to the "framing tips" section (see everyone, I was listening), the site also has a slew of FAQ's, print information, an "on the wall" section, one-step checkout, email order confirmations, and automatic emails are sent out when orders ships. I know, I know, HOORAY!
Since I can't take credit for the site, it is mandatory that I add to this post a shout-out and a gigantic THANK YOU to Jenny Volvovski and the folks at Also, who did the design and programming. I could go on and on for days gushing about how much I love them, but I won't keep torturing Jenny with my love songs (at least, publicly). And the logo was hand-lettered by the lovely Leigh Wells.
(for the first few weeks the new shop is open, we're offering free shipping on all US orders of $50 and up + we made a new postcard that we throw in with all orders!)
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
This post has nothing to do with animals...
... but this might be the most phenomenal thing I have ever seen.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
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