Thinking about moving my office out of my house and into this space (maybe I'll be less of a workaholic???):

Thinking about moving my office out of my house and into this space (maybe I'll be less of a workaholic???):
When I was eleven, I met Elizabeth at a pool party where we bonded over being the only two attendees who didn't want to swim–except, well, I got thrown into the pool by the birthday girl's older brother and then decided it wasn't so bad. I'm not sure Elizabeth has ever forgiven me for swimming after we made a pact not to, but we did remain friends after that. Actually we remained the best of friends. Elizabeth and I grew up together; we shared everything one would expect two best friends to share; we went to jr. high and high school together; we had each other to lament about the first time we had to wear a bra; we got in trouble together (yes, there was the time that involved the cops); we had each other's support during the hard times; and we had each other to celebrate the good times. We both eventually began the course of our adult lives. I went on to work towards a career in photography and she went on to get her master's degree (this is when I should mention that Elizabeth is an astoundingly impressive person, and to say that I am proud of her accomplishments in life and her beauty inside and out would be an understatement). As we have grown into adults (which is hilarious to say because when we're together, we still act like a couple of kids), we have stayed the best of friends.
And now, 25 years later, my best friend is having a baby girl! Since she loves baby animals and I'm on the planning committee for her upcoming baby shower, this invitation is the least I could do for my Bessie:
You always hear about the importance of facing your fears; doing things that scare you whatever they may be. Many people might do things like bungee jump, jump out of an airplane, or maybe even run with the bulls in Pamplona. But for me, it's being in FRONT of the camera and talking about myself that scares me most! I'm an open book around the people I love and know well–to be honest, I'm sometimes downright sarcastic and bold. But out in the world, I tend to be private and shy.
While I don't have fears associated with showing my work (I got over that one long ago), revealing myself, well, that's another story. So in a million years, I never thought I'd EVER agree to anything like this video. When Tara from Etsy first starting emailing me about doing an Etsy Portrait video (about a year ago), I put her off for as long as I could by telling her that my shoots take a lot to put together and I just didn't see how I could make it work at a time she would be out in LA. But when I realized this girl wouldn't take no for an answer (she was VERY persistent), I figured I'd better just do it and face my fears. So, I invited her to come film me photographing a Baby Giraffe.
So here I am....jumping out of an airplane: